Observing the Constellations
Short descriptions for finding the Constellations
from Southern Africa

A star watching service by ASSA Bloemfontein Centre, South Africa
Information customized for southern hemisphere, 29 degree latitude South

List of all 88 official constellations
The Constellation of:

Corvus (the Crow) appears like a quad-shaped pattern of stars in the autumn skies. It is relatively bright and conspicuous. It does not look like a crow at all - you'll have to use some imagination there!

Where is it?
The Crow flies overhead during the months of April to June and is virtually a beacon on its own. Corvus lies close to the faint constellation of Crater and also alongside a piece of Hydra.

Finding it:
If you cannot go from your sky map to Corvus directly, first-timers can jump from the bright star Spica in Virgo to the 4-star of Corvus. Once you've located Corvus, make a mental note of its size and position and use it as a start-off point for future excursions into the unknown of the autumn sky.

Other info:
Corvus does not lie within the star-rich path of the milky way and contains no famous bright deep sky object. It is close to the galaxy-rich region of Virgo and contains a few faint galaxies of its own. The constellation should be studied and memorized by every beginner.

Descriptions are based on evening observations, for the southern hemisphere and more specifically for Southern Africa.

Summer = Dec, Jan, Feb
Autumn = Mar, Apr, May
Winter = Jun, Jul, Aug
Spring = Sep, Oct, Nov

Zenith = point directly above you in the sky

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Constellation English name Constellation English name
Andromeda The Princess Lacerta Lizard
Antlia Air Pump Leo Lion
Apus Bird of Paradise Leo Minor Smaller Lion
Aquarius Water Carrier Lepus Hare
Aquila Eagle Libra Balance / scale
Ara Altar Lupus Wolf
Aries Ram Lynx Lynx
Auriga Charioteer Lyra Lyre
Bootes Herdsman Mensa Table Mountain
Caelum Chisel Microscopium Microscope
Camelopardalis Giraffe Monoceros Unicorn
Cancer Crab Musca Fly
Canes Venatici Hunting Dogs Norma Square
Canis Major Big Dog Octans Octant
Canis Minor Little Dog Ophiucus Serpent Carrier
Capricornus Goat Orion Orion
Carina Keel of Argo Pavo Peacock
Cassiopeia The Queen Pegasus Winged Horse
Centaurus The Centaur Perseus Perseus
Cepheus King Cepheus Phoenix Phoenix
Cetus Whale Pictor Easel
Chamaeleon Chameleon Pisces Fishes
Circinus Compass (draw) Pisces Austrinus Southern Fish
Columba Dove Puppis Stern of Argo
Coma Berenices Berenice's Hair Pyxis Compass of Argo
Corona Australis Southern Crown Reticulum Reticle
Corona Borealis Northern Crown Sagitta Arrow
Corvus Crow Sagittarius Archer
Crater Cup Scorpius Scorpion
Crux Southern Cross Sculptor Sculptor
Cygnus Swan Scutum Shield
Delphinus Dolphin Serpens Serpent
Dorado Swordfish Sextans Sextant
Draco Dragon Taurus Bull
Equuleus Little Horse Telescopium Telescope
Eridanus River Triangulum Triangle
Fornax Furnace Triangulum Australe Triangle (South)
Gemini Twins Tucana Toucan
Grus Crane Ursa Major Great Bear
Hercules Hercules Ursa Minor Little Bear
Horologium Clock / watch Vela Sails of Argo
Hydra Hydra (Sea Serpent) Virgo Virgin
Hydrus Water Serpent Volans Flying Fish
Indus Indian Vulpecula Fox

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